Create a multichannel Brand lift

Create a multichannel Brand lift the same way you would a singlechannel Brand lift. It involves the same steps. What’s different is that in the “Media” step, you’ll be able to select multiple media.

Media and methodology selection

At this stage, you can choose as many media as you like. For each media, you’ll need to select an associated method.


In addition to the general campaign information, you’ll need to provide ad-specific information for each media. Ad information are : campaign dates, media budget, reach & creative.

Validation and usage

The number of measurements deducted for your multichannel Brand lift will be indicated in the ”Plan & Usage” section. Please note : One measurement is charged for each media. A Brand lift can therefore be made up of several measurements. Please take this information into account when calculating your organization’s measurement balance.

Launch and follow-up

Once your Brand lift has been submitted and launched, you can track its progress in the overview. You’ll find the status of each measure by media on the left-hand side.

​Note: you can have several different statuses within a single Brand lift. For example, media with actual exposure may require pixel integration. Its status will then be ” Pending exposure data “. You may also have a media using the recall method running at the same time. In this case, its status will be “Ready for data collection”.

For further details, please refer to the blue frame in the “Overview” tab on the overall status of your Brand lift.

Last updated