In-game advertising is a media channel that involves displaying ads within a game, primarily on mobile devices, using diverse formats closely tied to the gameplay, such as rewarded ads offering in-game incentives and native ads seamlessly integrating the message into the gaming environment.
Applicable formats :
Banner : Ads placed within a video game interface, typically displayed in the corner of the screen.
Example : A small banner ad at the bottom of a mobile game screen.
Video : Video ads shown during gameplay, often as interstitials or pre-rolls.
Example : A 15-second ad that plays before a user can continue playing a mobile game.
Audio : Audio-only ads that are played during in-game experiences or between levels.
Example : A brief radio ad during a driving game
Rewarded Ads : Ads users can choose to watch in exchange for in-game rewards, like currency or extra lives.
Example : A user watches an ad to receive a bonus or additional lives in a game.
Applicable targeting strategies : Contextual, Behavioral, Demographic, Geographic
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