
Measurement: A Brand lift measurement uses a number of indicators to gather the opinions of individuals exposed to a campaign.

KPI/Indicator: A KPI measures the performance of a campaign on a specific element tied to the campaign's objective: recall, attribution, purchase intent, drive-to-store intent, etc.

Essentials: Happydemics Essentials are a combination of indicators designed to meet a specific campaign objective: attention, drive-to-store, sales...

Singlechannel Brand lift: Happydemics singlechannel Brand lift measures the actual impact of an advertising campaign by comparing the results from an exposed ad recalers pool with a control group. This measurement focuses on one media.

Multichannel Brand lift: Multichannel Brand lift compare ad performance across all media, each measurement focuses on one media.

Organization: An organization is the owner of a Happydemics license. Each measurement is linked to an organization.

Profile: The profile is the section on the platform where a user can enter or edit information and set preferences.

Configuration: Configuring a measurement is where users enter the geographic area, core target and other information needed to launch a Brand lift.

“Draft” status: This status is used when a measurement is being configured and has not been fully completed.

“Pending” status: This status means that the configuration has been completed and the measurement is waiting to be launched. This pending stage depends on the campaign launch dates entered during setup, and/or if not enough IDs have been collected when adding a pixel. The measurement launch can be canceled or rescheduled.

“Pending collection” status: This status confirms that the measurement is ready to be launched by our teams. A measurement that has been launched can no longer be canceled or rescheduled.

This stage means that the response collection process for the measurement has started.

“Completed” status: This status means that the collection process has been completed, and enough responses have been collected.

Results: The measurement results reflect the campaign's performance on the indicators selected for the Brand lift. They can be accessed in the report generated automatically at the end of the collection process.

Benchmark: Happydemics benchmarks include data from over 25,000 measurements made using our tool. They enable users to compare their performance with similar campaigns across industries, media and budgets.

Report: The report is generated automatically as soon as the data collection is complete. It provides an overview of all Brand lift results. It can be customized in just a few clicks to the campaign's core target or sub-targets, and sent to third parties.

Significant difference: A significant difference is a gap (in points) between two comparable results that is large enough to prove statistically that the difference is not due to chance.

Uplift: An uplift is the gap between two opposed populations (e.g. an exposed population and an unexposed population) generated by a campaign on an indicator.

Sample adjustment: Process whereby the results of a completed measurement are adjusted to be representative of the population in the geographic area where the campaign was distributed.

Exposed ad recallers: An exposed ad recallers is an individual who has probably been exposed to the campaign, and remembers it.

Control group: A respondent in the control group is an individual who doesn't remember the ad, he or she is probably exposed to it.

Recommendation: A recommendation is advice provided by our teams directly to a user on the Happydemics platform to help them make the best decisions for optimizing their campaigns.

Respondent: A respondent is an individual who has fully completed the survey.

Subtarget: A sub-target is a sub-group of respondents.

Core target: The core target is the market segment most likely to match the campaign's main target.

Pixel integration: Pixel integration involves adding a retargeting pixel to the platform user's creative assets to enable Happydemics to collect at least 100,000 ad-exposed IDs to launch the measurement.

Retargeting pixel: The retargeting pixel is a code snippet generated by the Happydemics platform to embed in the campaign's creative assets to target individuals exposed to a specific ad.

Audience sharing: Audience sharing involves uploading to the platform the file containing the IDs of individuals exposed to a specific ad.

API: The API (Application Programming Interface) allows Happydemics to connect with a third-party app to exchange data and features between both tools.

Ad creation: Ad creation refers to the image, video or audio file used to create a specific ad.

Message: The message is the version of an ad where multiple alternatives are available within the same campaign.

TV: Ads broadcast on television channels.

CTV / Connected TV: Ads broadcast to targeted users on Internet-connected televisions.

OOH: Non-digital advertising on outdoor displays.

DOOH: Ads broadcast on outdoor digital screens.

Radio: Ads broadcast on radio stations (except digital).

Digital audio: Ads broadcast on digital audio formats: music streaming platforms, podcasts, web radio, etc.

VOL / Online video: Ads played while viewing online video content: pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, in-read...

Display: Static or animated ads on websites or mobile apps: interstitials, native ads, skins, banners...

Social Ads: Sponsored advertising content on social networks: posts, stories, native formats...

In-game advertising: Ads distributed directly in the environment of a mobile, desktop or video game: banners, pre-, mid- or post-roll videos, native in-game formats, etc.

Influence: Advertising content created in collaboration with creators (influencers) and distributed to their communities on social networks.

Last updated