What do I need to launch a Brand lift?

Information to prepare

To set up a Brand lift measurement, you must prepare the following information beforehand:

  • Media campaign objective

A clear understanding of the media campaign's objective will help you select the right template to measure the performance of your investment on relevant indicators.

  • The activated media performance to be assessed

Happydemics recommandation is to activate 1 Brand lift per media. You can select up to 10 media or 10 times the same media (to compare several creatives activated through the same media, for example)

  • Distribution area

  • Advertiser brand and competitors

When the brand has many competitors, we recommend prioritizing the competitors with a direct competing product, since the product featured in the ad is the reference for selecting competitors.

To make the survey interactive and to assess the creative asset's attribution to the advertiser, the brand and its main competitors must be provided. Up to 7 competitors are allowed.

  • Activation dates of assessed media

Happydemics Brand lift measures the performance of a specific media. Therefore, the Brand lift must be set on the activation dates of this specific media, and not on the dates of the media campaign as a whole.

  • Media budget

This information is not required to activate a Brand lift, but is nonetheless very useful for in-depth analysis of results. The media budget allows you to compare the performance of your campaign with other campaigns with similar budgets, to identify improvement opportunities.

  • Campaign reach

Similarly to budget, media coverage (reach) lets you compare your campaign with similar media investments, to assess performance accurately. At least 100K unique impressions generated by the media are required.

  • Creative assets to test

  • Preferred analysis language

The preferred analysis language sets the language of the results report. Consider with whom the results will be shared.

  • Core target

The core target is used to let Happydemics know the media target for the campaign. This will be entered on the platform in the "Results" section, to make it easier to read performance data. Adding a core target does not mean that all respondents will be in your target, but it does give you the possibility of filtering results on this population only. The collection will reflect your media targeting.

Changing Brand lift elements

All these elements can be edited up to the day before the Brand lift is launched (70% of campaign completion). The launch date of the Brand lift is shown in the Happydemics platform, in the "Status" column. You will also receive a reminder e-mail, 24 hours before the launch, to check your information one last time and to modify it if needed. After this deadline, the information can no longer be changed. If any information is incorrect, you will have to create a new Brand lift, which will be offset from your subscription plan.

Last updated