How to manage a multilingual campaign?

A sample of respondents by language

Brand lift collects the opinions of individuals exposed to an advertising message to assess its effectiveness. A Brand lift = a sample of respondents = a survey = a language.

Therefore, a sample of respondents is made up of individuals speaking a single language.

Applicable rules

  • If a campaign is run in several countries, a Brand lift is required for each country;

  • If a campaign is run in several languages, a Brand lift is required for each language;

  • If a campaign is run in a multilingual country, such as Canada or Belgium, with several official languages, a Brand lift must be run for each language;

⚠️ Note: In the specific case of multilingual countries, 100k unique exposures per language are required to launch a Brand lift.

For example: If I run a campaign in a country with several official languages, can I run a single Brand lift in English? No, if there's one creative per language spoken, there must be one Brand lift per language. Otherwise, the results will be biased, as only the English-speaking part of the population will be able to respond. The answers will not be representative of the country, but of a part of the population.

  • The Brand lift must be delivered in the country's official language;

For example: If I run a campaign in Spanish for California, can I do a Brand lift in Spanish? The official language in the United States is English, so if the Brand lift is run only in Spanish, Happydemics will bear the full weight of the campaign's targeting. The Brand lift must be run in the country's official language, English in this example.

  • If several creatives are used in different languages, a Brand lift must be launched for each creative, i.e. one Brand lift per language.

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