How do I choose the right phrasing for the Purchase Intent and Consideration indicators?

It’s up to you to decide which action verb you want to use for the Consideration and Intent indicators.

​As a reminder:

  • Consideration measures the impact of advertising recall on purchase consideration. This indicator measures the extent to which the brand is a possible option for meeting an individual’s purchasing needs.

  • Purchase intent measures the impact of advertising recall on the individual’s purchase intent. The indicator assesses a consumer’s willingness to make an immediate purchase involving the brand.

When setting up your Brand lift, you can choose from a list of action verbs that best suit the brand, product or service: buy, subscribe, visit, offer, join, download, book, use, consider. The phrases selected for consideration and/or purchase intent are directly applied to the survey.

For example:

  • If the campaign is about the city of “Paris”, you could choose: ​In the future, would you consider visiting Paris? Today, do you intend to visit Paris?

  • If the campaign is about a music streaming platform / app such as “Deezer”, you could choose: ​In the future, would you consider subscribing to Deezer? Do you intend to subscribe to Deezer today? or ​In the future, would you consider downloading Deezer? Today, do you intend to download Deezer?

Please note that the right action verb depends on the campaign objective, brand, product, service, offer, context and so on.

Our list of options covers most industries, but if you wish, you can also choose the generic version of these indicators, which works with most brands/products.

Here’s the full phrase list:

Last updated