How to add an audience boost?

You can add an audience boost, i.e. increase the number of respondents, when you launch a Brand lift.

You have two options:

You can double the size of your sample (at an additional cost of €1,000).

Instead of 150 respondents recalling your campaign, you'll have 300.

Your results will be more reliable and more accurate: the average error margin of your results will be reduced by 30%.

Doubling your sample allows you to increase your chances of having insight into your most-represented sub-targets*: if your core target has an incidence rate of over 30%, you'll have 90 respondents in your target.

You can increase the size of your sample by four (at an additional cost of €2,000)

Instead of 150 respondents recalling your campaign, you'll have 600.

By increasing your sample fourfold, you can double the reliability of your results! In other words, the average margin of error is halved.

It also provides you with insight into less-represented sub-targets*: if your core target has an incidence rate of over 15%, you'll have 90 respondents in your target.

Moreover, having such a large number of respondents enables you to carry out in-depth analyses of your results: you can go into detail on response items, cross-reference indicators, drill down to a more detailed level, etc.

Note: the audience boost will be applied for each media. So if you have 3 media, the additional cost will be multiplied by 3.

*When selecting your target, you'll be recommended the right boost.

Last updated