How to remove a member from your organization and their personal data?

How to remove a member from your organization

If you wish to remove a user from your organization and delete their data from the platform, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of your workspace;

  2. Select "Organization";

  3. Click on the "Team" tab in the second navigation panel at the top of the page;

  4. Click on the cross to the right of the profile of the member you wish to remove from your organization;

  5. Click on "Confirm".

The team member's access to all measures in the organization will be deleted.

Please note that you must be an organization admin to delete a member. For guests, any admin or member of the organization can remove their account.

Deleting an organization member's personal data

You must contact Happydemics customer support on the website contact page or by using Intercom, or by e-mail at

Please note that once you have removed a member from the Happydemics apps, their data and access will be permanently deleted from the Happydemics platform and servers and cannot be recovered.

We hope this guide will help you easily remove your personal data from Happydemics and keep control of your privacy.

Last updated