How to understand Impact score?

Impact score in few words:

The impact score is a unique performance score for each of your campaigns. It’s the combined result of all the performance indicators for a given measure, making it easy to compare a campaign as a whole with the related benchmark, and to draw broad conclusions about that campaign. It is calculated by averaging the differences (between the campaign and its benchmark) on each indicator, against the best and worst performances by media on that indicator. Once the calculation for each indicator is completed, it is averaged and scaled to 100: 0 means that the campaign had no impact on the indicators measured; 100 means that the campaign had the highest impact.

In short, this calculation is:

  • divided by indicator for greater precision,

  • filtered by media for greater consistency,

  • conditioned by variable performance thresholds, to be more realistic. These thresholds are the average of the 25* best performances on the media and the average of the 25* worst performances on the media.

*Provided we have enough data: For TV, In-game, Social media, Radio and Influence, we look at the TOP 5 and FLOP 5.

For all new media, we need at least 15 measurements to calculate an Impact score per campaign.

This calculation enables us to:

  • sum up the performance of your entire advertising campaign,

  • easily compare your different campaigns with each other.

This calculation means:

A 50 Impact score ranks your campaign within the overall average of its benchmark.

Last updated